Monday, July 30, 2012

Sky Bar Pool

The boys and I went to the hotel's sky bar pool. It was too cold. It's a cool hangout, but not very kid friendly. The view was great and since we already had our suits on we went down to the splash pad below.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We're here!

After a long and (thankfully) uneventful journey, we have arrived in Malaysia. Our flight was a bit delayed as we were leaving Houston. That made us a little late getting to L.A., which made for a tight connection to our international flight to Singapore. The boys slept and ate well. It was nice that we brought along a few snacks. They are good travelers and learning the ropes with every flight. It was 11pm (Texas time) when took off in L.A. We ate (again) and it was almost 2am by the time everyone was settled and ready to go to sleep. I think we all slept about 8 hours. We had about 2 hours in Singapore, then the short flight to finish our journey into Kuala Lumpur. Thankfully, all of our luggage made it. It sure was nice to count all 9 bags coming off at baggage claim. The hotel is really nice and we made it in time for breakfast - my 3rd breakfast of the day! Today will feel like a REALLY long day, but I'm relieved that we are finally here. The boys are in need of some play-time and fresh air (they are rough-housing in the hotel room as I type). Good thing we are just across the street from the playground, splash pad, aquarium and mall. Ryan, of course, has already showered and gone to work. I guess the next few days will just be exploring for us.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We're Moving!

This will be our view in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We're getting a condo in the city center. We'll be just across the street from a big park and Ryan will be able to walk to work. What a change!

To make this a bit easier on the grandparents, I promise I will do a better job keeping up with the blog. It's going in a new direction, too. No advertisements (let's be honest, I didn't make any money anyway), more pictures, more tidbits and more daily life with the kids. We're going on a new adventure and I want to keep a record of it as well. I think I'm off to a good start already!


Lunch at Animal Kingdom

In June, we took the kids for a rainy week to Disney World. We had a fun time and the kids enjoyed it. It's all smiles in the pictures, but it did rain on us, a lot. And Brady and I got to ride in the free shuttle to the urgent care clinic because he came down with pneumonia. We're glad we went (to the doctor & to Disney), but I think the Lamothe's have had their fill of amusement park vacations for a while.

To Infinity and Beyond!


Lunch with the characters was a highlight. Look at those cheesy grins, they had the time of their lives!

Lightening McQueen and TowMater!

Silly Mason

Having fun at the hotel pool

We've got ears, say "Cheers!"