Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Winds of Change

I could hear the wind howling outside the window last night. It woke me up several times before my alarm went off at 4:40 to run this morning. It was a hard tempo run, but I did it. I call that a mental victory. At one point, the only thing that kept me going was knowing that when I turned around the wind would be at my back and pushing me home. Thank goodness for that!

Today is a Rest and Recovery day with the Insanity DVDs. That's also good because I'm sick. I have a runny nose, coughing and sore throat. Ugh! Besides those, I feel "OK." So, I went ahead and worked out. I'm on track with my eating, hydrating and working out and I'm going to the doctor this afternoon. Hopefully, help is on the way!

It seems like everyone I know has either a sick child or is battling something themselves. 'Tis the season. Take care of yourself, drink lots of water, take your vitamins!

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