Happy, happy birthday Brady!
Dad and I are so proud of you and so happy that God has chosen us to be your parents.
You were born in Scotland on May 20. Our wee Scotty lad! But you were 2 weeks early and at 8lbs. 9oz. you were a big baby.
You had the most precious, sweet smile and such an easy baby to take care of. We also stayed busy doing all kinds of activities. You and I went to baby-massage classes, baby-yoga/music and swimming lessons.
You have traveled the world - more than most people do in a lifetime. This picture was in Germany just after you turned 1.
In Scotland, you always wore shoes, socks, long pants and shirts. Then one day, when the weather was finally warm enough to put on a short sleeved shirt, you spent the whole time trying to pull the sleeves down to cover your arms.
One of the colder days in Scotland. When you were 2, we moved to TX.
Swimsuits and flip-flops, here I come!
You didn't want to wear your costume or go trick-or-treating until I told you people would hand out candy. You quickly put on your costume and off we went.
When you were 3, you learned to water-ski.
And, became a big brother!
You played soccer, but mostly you just ran, laughed and chased your friends.
Soo cute!
When you were 4, you learned to snow-ski with cousin Claire.
You were a shepherd at the Christmas program.
All Texans need a picture in the bluebonnets.
You love adventure. This was when you, Mason, Daddy and Papaw were going jeeping in Colorado.
The Durango-Silverton train ride was a fun time for everyone.
My cowboy
My baseball player
My bike rider
My strong man
Brady the mutton-buster
When we went to Disney, you were sick with pneumonia, but look at that smile.
When you were 7 we moved to Malaysia and you lost your 1st tooth.
Cub Scout Pinewood Derby Winner!
My first-born son. My boy that loves Legos, the beach, trains and airplanes. My fearless rock-climber, skier and roller-coaster rider. The boy that loves to fix things, take them apart and figure things out. Thank you for all the joy you fill us with and for being an excellent son and big brother. Thank you for sharing your love, your smile and your toys. Happy Birthday, Brady.
AWESOME job!! Love you & happy happy birthday, Brady Jackson!
ReplyDeleteLove love love you!! Love you to the moon & back...then some more!!
Good job Mom... Thanks for the pictures & sharing. Looking at them is wonderful! Makes me smile!