Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Beginnings

In January, I qualified for the Boston Marathon. Yea! After several months of hard running, speedwork, tempo runs and long runs, I was happy to see the realization of a goal obtained. I honestly didn't think it was possible for my body to do it. My fastest time up to that point was the Houston marathon in 2010 at 4:04. I was now attempting to knock 20 or 25 minutes off my personal best in order to qualify for my age group.

I needed to run this marathon in 3 hours and 45 minutes. Now stranger things have happened, but that seemed quite speedy for the stay-at-home mom, recreational runner that I am. It was also quickly becoming more difficult due to high temperatures and humidity that the Houston marathon experienced on race day in 2011. Nevertheless, somehow I managed to finish in 3:44:08. Super, I did it! But, just barely...

The Boston marathon being what it is - the marathon that everyone wants to run, the best of the best - sold out the previous year in 8 hours. To make it fair (and more competitive) faster runners were given priority for the 2012 race. This announcement was made soon after I qualified so I knew my chances were slim to get a spot. Let's face it, a barely qualified by 1 minute!

I was notified yesterday that I did not obtain entry to the Boston marathon. I am sad and a little heartbroken. Do I understand why? Yes. Is it fair? Yes. Does it still stink? Yes. As it turns out the cut-off for my age group was 3:43:46. I missed it by 22 seconds. Which is a lot. Stand at the finish line and count how many people cross within 22 seconds. Ask the winner of the silver medal how many seconds he was away from the gold...More than 22 seconds, I'm sure.

So, I gave myself one day to be sad. It was a teaching moment for my kids. I told Brady (age 6) what had happened. "Mommy tried really hard, but I didn't get what I wanted." He comforted my the way only a child could and said, "Well you could just run around the house! I'll run with you and I hope I'm faster than you!" That's really why I run. To be a better person, a better mom and a good example for my kids.

It's not a big deal that I didn't get in. I don't know what I was looking forward to more, the marathon or the trip. Probably both. I didn't start running to run the Boston marathon, I'm not going to stop now. That's why I started with this post. New Beginnings. So I can look back and see how far I've come. Hopefully, getting faster and becoming better along the way.

Maybe one day, I'll be able to write about my Boston experience. There is speedwork to be done today anyway.


  1. Nice job, Jennifer. Well done and said. We are very proud of you and love you much!

  2. Jennifer, I am so excited for your blog! Yea you for winning the bracelet!! My girl rocks!!!

  3. Hey Jennifer!! You are such good girl!! Getting up and running after our late night getting back home on Monday. Then you get up at 4:30am on Tuesday and run 4 miles. So this morning thinking of you - you inspired me to get up and walk!! Long way from running, but walking is good for me. I Love You!!! You are doing great and Look Out upcoming Marathons - here comes my girl!!

  4. oops! 3rd comment is from Woolam said...

  5. Wow!! Great job, Jennifer!! Keep up the good work....like Bob on the Biggest Loser. You so motivate me. Love ya!!
